For the Data Visualization project, I would like to bring a topic that is very important for the chain of world ecosystem but is not commented as much as necessary in our community. The database on pollinating bees in Brazil was the key for me to be able to demonstrate the importance and survival of what we consume, being able to share some of the information with colleagues who would not have access to this information, if not through a local person.
Hope you can enjoy it and let your imagination go thought on our tropical wealth!
Don't forget to have a look on this work with the sound on the icon above!
In the beginning of the research it was very important to know that a research idea should come through available datasets to understand which data I could work on.
The initial ideas done for the previous brainstorm was the opposite: to bring in a research interest and then see if there was data to support it.
Throughout the research on the data bases, factors emerged that are crucial for understanding the pollination process by bees. Physiological characteristics, routine of each bee species, of the hive, directly influence what it offers to the Ecosystem. And each of these characteristics has a vast potential for study.
These were factors that in the first stage were not considered. For example, I had not considered the variety of species, that a product can be pollinated by more than one species. Functional differences between native and captive bees, with and without stingers, among others.
Image Description
-Kind of bees from a region of Amazon. Period: 1983 to 2018
-Information of body size, flight range, distribution, crop pollination, sociality and nesting of 328 species.
-Species traits for Brazilian bees that are of significance to ecology and conservation
A total of 328 bee species have been recorded in these two areas, corresponding to more than 20% of the estimated 1500 bee species recorded in Brazil
Based on the dataset and research, I managed to go deeper than simply "bees are important to the world".
Species x Products
I organized them in descending order, to see how many and which species pollinate 1 single product
Products x Species
Inverting the axes to see how many pollinators per product you have.
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If these species did not exist, these products would no longer exist, or there are other forms of pollination. Ex. Soybean - wind pollination
A quick conclusion that other ways can be drawn from this visualization is that these species don't exist, these products no longer exist, or else they exist from pollination.
Soybean is one of the most produced products in Brazil. And it sounds a little strange for a large production to be tied to a single type of pollination by just a single bee. Knowledge outside the database should complement what you get from visualizations. We know that there are also other ways of growing soybeans, such as wind pollination. This shows the importance of cross-referencing knowledge outside the database as well.
Inverting the axes to see how many products are pollinated by that specie.
Species x Product Group
Species x 1 product group
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Vegetables and fruis are dominants inside the bees that pollinate group.
Inside one group is possible to have species w/ more than 1 product
As there were no species names in this table, I filtered through Genus and Specific epithet to find the species those pollinate açai. From that I transformed the information from the locations that were all in a cell into different columns so that Tableau could recognize and georeference showing on the map.
Top Trumps has 28 cards and each card contains a list of numerical data, and the aim of the game is to compare these values to try to trump and win an opponent's card.
For this project, I changed some rules and added an information layer so that the game was more interactive and customized for the experience I would like the user to have.
Enjoy it!
Participants: 2 or more
Get the most cards after 7 rounds
The game is based on comparing your card values with other players. For your card to win, the chosen trait must have a higher value than your opponents' card.
There is a TOP TRUMP card among the cards, it is the fruit that is pollinated by the most bees in the game. This card beats all cards in the deck regardless of the value of its characteristics. It only loses to the cards that have the number above it, marked above the QR Code.
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